The Benefits of Special Muslim Hotels Why the Halal Tourism is Money Making
IRNA food and medical supplies management was assigned to the standard organization
Challenges of Halal Industry in Iran
Where are the halal meat? The large share of non-Muslim countries in the production of malleable meat / industry of $ 415 billion halal meat
Eleventh Flour and Bread Exhibition
Danish government canceled ban on Holocaust denial for Muslims and Kosher for Jews
The presence of the World Halal Institute at the Mittex Exhibition
Comparison of the protein structure of soluble and nonsoluble meat
Halal Exhibition in Kazan _Russia
Teaching Islam in Spanish schools
Increase for Halal foods in Canada
A University of Calgary student is trying to get more Muslim-friendly meat on campus.
Currently only one vendor on campus sells halal products, said Zainab Malik, an arts faculty representative on the University of Calgary Students’ Union.
Malik surveyed Muslim students and related clubs and received hundreds of responses from people concerned about the lack of halal eating options.
“So you can kind of tell that this is really something that is an issue at University of Calgary and we should definitely try looking into it and try to resolve it,” said the fourth year student.
But it is not just Calgary University, which such movements have been formed in Canada. The increase of Muslim population and students in this country, have made many universities to provide more Halal options for their students. Recently U Of C company declared it is ready for preparing halal foods for universities.